The voice command suite accesses programs, documents, browsers and specific Internet pages without using a mouse or a keyboard. It assigns special keywords to selected actions of system functions and launches them when the word is spoken into a microphone.
Typle enables you to access any program, document or internet page using your own voice.
It allows you to speak in any language you like, and choose how you want to say the commands.
In three simple steps you can configure your computer to start listening to your voice:
- First, you have to choose a keyword (ex. open), and to record yourself saying it.
- Second, you have to choose a program, a document or an internet page that you want to open by voice, and record yourself saying a voice command (ex. Word, Excel, etc.).
- Third, you have to click the Start Listening button or close Typle window so the computer will start listening to you.
Typle - a wonderful and easy to use software solution that allows you to access any program, document or internet page using your own voice.